The University of California has hammered the door closed on utilizing any standardized test for confirmations choices, reporting Thursday that faculty could find no alternative exam that would avoid the biased results that led leaders to scrap the SAT last year.

UC Provost Michael Brown pronounced the end of testing for admissions decisions at a Board of Regents meeting, putting a decisive finish to over three years of examination and discussion in the nation’s premier public university system on whether standardized testing does more harm than good when assessing applicants for admission.

UC will keep on rehearsing sans test confirmations now and into the future, Brown said to the officials, during a discussion about a potential option in contrast to the SAT and ACT tests.

Testing supporters contend that standardized evaluations give a uniform measure to foresee the school execution of understudies from differed schools and foundations. In any case, UC eventually accepted contradicting contentions that high school grades are a better tool without the biases based on race, pay and parent training levels found in tests.