President Joe Biden announced Thursday he intends to build the cap on the quantity of refugees permitted into the US after his archetype Donald Trump sliced it significantly while in office.

Biden intends to raise the refugee cap to 125,000 — an obvious ascent from Trump’s 15,000 refugee limit a year ago — beginning Oct. 1, as per The media.

“I’m supporting a leader request to start the difficult work of reestablishing our refugee confirmations program to help meet the remarkable worldwide need,” the president said in a speech at the State Department. “It will require some investment to remake what has been so seriously harmed.”

Biden would need to talk with Congress prior to setting as far as possible.

Refugee help associations lauded Biden’s choice.

“With 80 million persuasively uprooted individuals worldwide and tallying — the biggest number since the Second World War — reestablishing the US’ longstanding and bipartisan resettlement program is totally basic,” Hans van de Weerd, VP for resettlement, haven and combination at the International Rescue Committee, said in a proclamation.

“The US needs to fix its own standing and boost other rich nations by inviting refugees in more noteworthy numbers, after record lows during the Trump administration,” he proceeded.