The pandemic has impacted everyone’s lives. Besides the health and well-being of others, the pandemic has hindered economic growth. Businesses shutting down, high unemployment rates, and plummeting revenues, are just a few outcomes from these unpleasant times.
Startups are a very specific segment of the business. They are all fresh, forward-thinking projects aimed to change our lives for the better. But at the same time, startups might be the hardest to market. They offer innovative, original solutions. On the one hand, it’s great! On the other – people might be reluctant to accept something they are not familiar with. This is simply human nature. Modern consumer psychology may be described as “Good for you, I love you an idea, but it seems risky and therefore I am not ready to take out my wallet yet!” At the same time, many global companies that now form the face of the market and world economy were actually “Startups” before the term went mainstream.
While large corporations have the resources to support themselves, small businesses, and entrepreneurs experience setbacks to a greater extent. As many large businesses shift their focus to online marketing due to the pandemic, business owners with limited marketing skills and resources are left feeling helpless. However, Startup Fortune may be the platform these entrepreneurs need.
Mervik Haums, the founder of Startup Fortune, understands the struggles that many small businesses endure. Big brands have the funding to distribute and flood their marketing campaigns across advertising platforms such as YouTube and established news journals. As such, small businesses must compete to have a platform. This makes it harder for entrepreneurs to attract potential online consumers. Mervik created Startup Fortune to equalize the opportunity for small businesses to effectively market themselves.